Notice is hereby given that on June 9, 2020 the Safety and Security Committee of the Cuero Independent School District will hold a meeting at 11:30 AM in the Board Room located at 960 East Broadway. The subjects to be discussed are listed on the agenda attached hereto and made a part of this notice. Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice. Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.

    1. Call To Order

    2. Introductions / Attendance

    3. Open Forum

    4. Minutes of Previous Meeting

    5. District Audit Report 2017-2020 - Due November 15, 2020

    6. Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan - Continuity of Operations Plan Update

    7. Review of Drills Completed School Year 2019-2020

    8. Senate Bill 11 - District and Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams

    9. Senate Bill 11 - Increasing Law Enforcement Presence on Campuses

    10. Safety & Security Grant Applications Update

    11. New Business Update

    12. Adjournment

    Dr. Micah Dyer, Superintendent



    1. Call To Order

    The meeting of the Cuero ISD Safety and Security Committee was called to order by Dr. Dyer on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 11:35 AM in the Cuero ISD Board Room located at 960 East Broadway. 

    1. Introductions

    The following members were present:

    Heather Stewart, Teacher; Jennifer Bauer, Principal; Lieutenant Jerome Hernandez, Cuero Police Department; Kimberly Fleener; Principal; Paula Brown, Technology Director; David Truman, Network Coordinator; Emily Weatherly, Parent; Wanda Hays, District Nurse; Ruby Rodriguez, Coordinator; Dr. Pam Longbotham, Assistant Superintendent; Rhonda Templin, School Resource Officer; Jason Stanley, Assistant Principal; Gene Lasseter, Assistant Principal; James McCarter, Assistant Principal; Kenneth Hayman, Assistant Principal.

    1. Public Comment

    No public comments at this time.

    1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

    Dr. Longbotham made the motion to approve the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Mrs. Hays.  Motion carried.

    1. District Audit Report 2017-2020 Update 

    Mrs. Rodriguez reported the Texas State University TX Schools Safety Center has not yet updated the audit toolkit with the SB11 requirements.  Updates to the audit cycle and other toolkits are in progress.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the District Audit Report will now be due November 15, 2020.

    1. Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan - Continuity of Operations Plan Update

    Mrs. Rodriguez shared the district team is updating the Emergency Operations Plan Continuation of Operations Plan Annex as required.  The update is necessary in the event a school building or instructional facility is unavailable.  The Annex draft copy can be requested by email.

    1. Review of Drills & Future Drills Update

    Due to COVID-19 and the mandatory shutdown of schools on March 13, campus principals did not have information to share since the last committee meeting on February 11, 2020.

    1. Senate Bill 11 - District and Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams Update

    Mrs. Rodriguez shared Senate Bill 11 requires Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams for the prevention of school violence which is a non-disciplinary approach.  Campus teams will be required to report assessment data to TEA in November 2020.  The District Team Members include, Dr. Dyer, the District Lead, School Resource Officers, Dr. Longbotham, District Nurse Hays, Dave Truman, Oscar Ray, and Ruby Rodriguez. 

    Campus administrators shared upcoming training dates their staff team members will be attending during the summer months.  

    1. Senate Bill 11 - Increasing Law Enforcement Presence on Campus Update

    Mrs. Rodriguez shared School Resource Officers will be working closely with schools on increasing their presence among students; Campus safety leads will work closely with members of law enforcement to increase presence.

    1. School Safety Allotment & Safety Grant Applications Update

    Mrs. Paula Brown shared the school safety allotment was utilized to purchase and install phone systems into each classroom which will allow staff members to contact emergency services directly.  The installation project is currently in progress and will be complete before the start of the 2020-2021 school year.

    Dr. Pam Longbotham shared the district applied for two school safety grants through the Department of Justice which include the COPS School Violence Prevention Program and the STOP Program. Grant recipients will be notified in the fall.    

    1. New Business Update

    No new business.

    1. Adjournment

    Dr. Longbotham made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Mrs. Hays.  Meeting adjourned at 11:45 pm.