Notice is hereby given that on November 12, 2019 the Safety and Security Committee of the Cuero Independent School District will hold a meeting at 11:30 AM in the Board Room located at 960 East Broadway. The subjects to be discussed are listed on the agenda attached hereto and made a part of this notice. Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice. Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.

    1. Call To Order

    2. Introductions

    3. Public Comment

    4. Review of Committee Responsibilities

    5. Review of District Audit Report 2014-2017

    6. Review of Prior Year Drills & Future Drills

    7. Review of Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

    8. School Safety Allotment and Grant Update

    9. Adjournment

    Dr. Micah Dyer, Superintendent 



    1. Call To Order

    The meeting of the Cuero ISD Safety and Security Committee was called to order by Dr. Micah Dyer on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 11:30 AM in the Cuero ISD Board Room located at 960 East Broadway. 

    1. Introductions

    The following members were present:

    Dr. Micah Dyer, Superintendent; Bill Hamilton, Board of Trustees Member; Dwayne Noack, Facilities Director: Bo Daniel, Transportation Director; Jennifer Bauer, Principal; Jerome Hernandez, Parent; Paul Fleener, Principal; Kimberly Fleener; Principal; Paula Brown, Technology Director; David Truman, Network Coordinator; Emily Weatherly, Parent; Sergeant Kevin Kroos, Cuero Police Department; Wanda Hays, District Nurse; Ruby Rodriguez, Coordinator; Dr. Pam Longbotham, Assistant Superintendent; Cyndi Smith, Emergency Management Coordinator; Rhonda Templin, School Resource Officer; Jason Stanley, Assistant Principal; Gene Lasseter, Assistant Principal; James McCarter; Assistant Principal 


    Justin Aguilar, Texas Department of Public Safety

    1. Public Comment

    No public comments at this time.

    1. Review of Committee Responsibilities

    Members reviewed the committee responsibilities.

    1. Review of District Audit Report 2014-2017

    Members reviewed the District Audit Report for the 2014-2017 period. There were no safety issues noted.  Cuero ISD is in compliance.  The next District Audit Report is due September 2020.

    1. Review of Prior Year Drills & Future Drills

    Mr. Paul Fleener reported on the previous High School campus drills and has consulted with the Cuero Police Department on implementing more drills this school year.

    Mrs. Kim Fleener reported on the previous Junior High campus drills and noted that upon each drill feedback is provided for future drills.

    Dr. Micah Dyer shared the information provided to him by Ms. Bridgette Cerny on previous Hunt Elementary campus drills which included fire and lockdown / intruder. The Campus Safety Committee met on September 25, 2019 to review and re-evaluate campus safety procedures and address any safety concerns.

    Mrs. Jennifer Bauer reported on the previous John C. French campus drills and stated they are training students on school safety and security policies and procedures.

    Dr. Micah Dyer reported a district-wide audit / drill was conducted in the spring of 2019 in collaboration with the Cuero Police Department.

    1. Review of Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

    The Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) was provided to members to review.

    1. School Safety Allotment and Grant Update

    Dr. Micah Dyer reported the school safety allotment will be used for the installation of vaping sensors in schools.  He also reported the district is applying for the 2019-2021 Texas Education Agency School Safety and Security Grant for the full eligible amount of $32,184.  The district is in the process of securing quotes for bullet proof glass and bullet resistant film.  He also stated future plans include adding more entry buzzer systems at high school, increasing the number of handheld radios, and for all classes to have access to 911.  He reported Anonymous Alerts is on the district website and is available for students and parents to report any concerns.

    1. New Business (Dr. Micah Dyer amended the Agenda to include New Business)

    Mr. Bill Hamilton stated when the Intermediate Campus was in place, it was utilized as a location for drills and training for law enforcement.  

    Dr. Micah Dyer stated the district works openly with all in law enforcement for drills and training.  He also noted AEDs are in place and the district is working on the installation of Stop The Bleed kits and stations.

    Ms. Cyndi Smith stated an active shooter drill was held last year in Westhoff.  She also reported the county is working on a reunification plan.  The proposed area will be the City of Cuero Municipal Park as it can be locked in and closed off when necessary; the park will serve as a controlled entrance.  She stated the Cuero ISD is welcome to tie into this plan.  

    Sergeant Aguilar stated Cuero ISD has a luxury of city police department in its schools.  After the Santa Fe school shooting, the governor made mandates that TX Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers in our area cover schools that do not have SROs.  He noted the DPS is an assisting agency and shared information on the enhanced systems and capabilities they have in place.

    Dr. Micah Dyer stated the SROs periodically check campuses throughout the day.

    1. Adjournment

    The meeting adjourned at 12:04 PM.