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Vision and Hearing Screening

Vision and hearing screenings will be administered during the school year for PK,K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and to all new students as required by state law.  It is important to have vision screenings as young children do not know the way they see the world is not the way they should be seeing it! Without early detection and treatment, children’s vision problems can lead to permanent vision loss and vision difficulties.

Hearing is important for speech, language development, reading and learning. A hearing screening can detect if your child needs further hearing testing. Even if your child has passed a hearing screening previously, their hearing can change. Hearing problems can also be related to medical problems. Hearing loss is invisible and the child could appear to be not paying attention.

Vision screening 1. Distance Acuity and 2.Muscle Balance for PK and other students as indicated with a photo screener

Hearing screenings will consist of: 1) Audiometry-Screening of hearing acuity.

If your child passes the above screenings, you will not be contacted. You are welcome to contact the school nurse to learn the screening findings. If your child fails any part of the screenings, a rescreen and/or referral will be made. A referral is a letter sent to the parent recommending further evaluation by your physician or eye care specialist.

Children may be exempted from vision or hearing screening if they have been examined by a regularly licensed physician (for vision or hearing) or optometrist (for vision) during the 12 month period immediately preceding the screening date and they have provided documentation from the physician along with a request from parent to not screen. Screenings are just a snapshot of how your child performs on the day the screening is administered and is not a substitute for a complete hearing or eye exam. If you have any questions about the school vision and hearing screening program, please contact your campus nurse or district nurse.


JCF- September 25-28

Hunt- October 10-11

CJHS- November 7